FREE Consumer Flier: “5 Easy Steps You Can Take to Check a Geothermal Contractor’s Credentials”

News June 6th, 2015

It’s actually easy to find out if a geothermal contractor is professionally qualified to perform work.  This new two-sided printable flier reveals a few simple steps the average consumer can take right now from their own home computer. (HINT: It is the same basic process the MNGHPA uses when qualifying new applicants for membership!)

Present MNGHPA members are welcome to download this file free for their own distribution and use. Also, in the spirit of promoting sound professional practices and ethical fitness in the geothermal industry, non-member contractors are also welcome to do so…with a warm welcome to join the MNGHPA if they too qualify. Consumers are especially encouraged to download this valuable tool for their own use.

To download, just click the following link:

5 Easy Steps You Can Take to Check a Geothermal Contractor’s Credentials